人力资源社会性 social character of human resources 人力资源社会性的意思 social character of human resources的意思
英文对照social character of human resources
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科学技术名词为您提供人力资源社会性,social character of human resources,人力资源社会性的意思,social character of human resources的意思,人力资源社会性的英文,social character of human resources的翻译,人力资源社会性的翻译,人力资源社会性是什么意思,人力资源社会性什么意思,social character of human resources是什么意思,social character of human resources什么意思
人力资源社会性 相关科技名词
- 创造力的教育体制education system of creativity
- 创造力开发creativity development
- 创造性思维creative thought
- 人力资源流动媒介medium of human resources
- 人力资源供求关系supply-demand relationship of human resources
- 人与物有效结合effective combination of human resources and physical resources
- 人力资源要素结构quality structure of human resources
- 人力资源资产属性property characteristic of human resources
- 劳动者权益laborer rights and interests
- 传统性资产traditional assets
- 创造性资产creative assets
- 动态性资产dynamic assets
- 教育机会成本educational opportunity cost
- 摩擦性失业rubbing unemployment
- 结构性失业structural unemployment
- 周期性失业periodic unemployment
- 利润分享式工资gain sharing type salary
- 劳动力labor force
- 劳动力商品labor force 's goods
- 劳动力价值labor force's value
- 劳动力使用价值labor force's use value
- 资本的生产过程production process of capital
- 劳动过程process of laboring
- 劳动过程的简单要素simple key element of the process of laboring
- 劳动work
- 劳动资料means of labor
- 劳动对象subject of labor
- 人员个性差异staff personality disparity
- 人员气质差异staff temperament disparity
- 人员气质绝对原则staff absolute temperament principle
- 人员气质互补原则staff temperament complementary principle
- 人员气质发展原则staff temperament development principle
- 人的能力发展差异time difference of people ability development
- 搜寻成本search cost
- 保守工资reservation wage
- 工资报价quoted wage
- 失业福利unemployment welfare
- 具体劳动concrete labor
- 抽象劳动abstract labor
- 价值实体entity of value