人力资源年龄结构 age structure of human resources 人力资源年龄结构的意思 age structure of human resources的意思
英文对照age structure of human resources
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科学技术名词为您提供人力资源年龄结构,age structure of human resources,人力资源年龄结构的意思,age structure of human resources的意思,人力资源年龄结构的英文,age structure of human resources的翻译,人力资源年龄结构的翻译,人力资源年龄结构是什么意思,人力资源年龄结构什么意思,age structure of human resources是什么意思,age structure of human resources什么意思
人力资源年龄结构 相关科技名词
- 人力资源会计的一般前提general precondition of human resource accounting
- 人力资源会计的实践前提practical precondition of human resource accounting
- 人力资源成本会计human resource cost accounting
- 人力资源的计量模式human resource metric mode
- 人力资源历史成本法human resource historical cost method
- 人力资源重置成本法human resource replacement cost method
- 人力资源机会成本法human resource opportunity cost method
- 在职培训成本收益分析cost-benefit analysis of on-the-job training;cost-benefit analysis of OJT
- 人力资源经济价值法human resource economic value method
- 人力资源未来工资报酬折现法human resource discounted future wage method
- 人力资源随机报酬价值法human resource random reward value method
- 人力资本投资风险human capital investment risk
- 离职人员人力资产成本dimission personnel human capital assets cost
- 人力资源空职成本unused cost of human resources
- 人力资源工资报酬指数法human resource wage index method
- 人力资源工资报酬非货币计量法human resource wage noncurrency method
- 人力资源工资报酬工作绩效评价法human resource wage performance evaluate method
- 人力资源工资报酬技能一览表法list of human resource wage and competence
- 人力资源工资报酬潜力评价法human resource wage potential evaluate method
- 人力资源工资报酬类推法human resource wage analogy method
- 人力资产损失human capital loss
- 人力资源摊销human resource amortization
- 人力资本投资收益benefit of human capital investment
- 人力资本运营human capital operation
- 人力资本收益income of human capital
- 人力资本分配distribution of human capital
- 人力资本开发human capital exploitation
- 人力资本信息开发human capital information exploitation
- 劳动者充分就业laborer full employment
- 合理使用人力资源intelligently using human resources
- 改善人力资源结构improving human resource structure
- 人力资源发展费用投入expenditure of human resource exploitation
- 人力资本吸引human capital attraction
- 人力资本选用human capital selection
- 人力资本保值human capital maintenance
- 人力资本增值human capital increment
- 人力资本评价human capital appraisement
- 人力资源配置的动态性dynamics of human resource allocation
- 人力价值可变human value variable
- 教育过度投资over-investment in education