煤接触变质 contact metamorphism of coal 煤接触变质的意思 contact metamorphism of coal的意思 煤接触变质的英文
英文对照contact metamorphism of coal
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科学技术名词为您提供煤接触变质,contact metamorphism of coal,煤接触变质的意思,contact metamorphism of coal的意思,煤接触变质的英文,contact metamorphism of coal的翻译,煤接触变质的翻译,煤接触变质是什么意思,煤接触变质什么意思,contact metamorphism of coal是什么意思,contact metamorphism of coal什么意思
煤接触变质 相关科技名词
- 泥炭peat
- 腐泥sapropel
- 成煤物质coal-forming material
- 成煤作用coal-forming process
- 泥炭化作用peatification
- 泥炭沼泽peat swamp;peat bog;mire
- 原地生成煤autochthonous coal
- 微异地生成煤hypautochthonouscoal
- 异地生成煤allochthonous coal
- 凝胶化作用gelification;gelatifica-tion
- 丝炭化作用fusainization
- 残植化作用liptofication
- 腐泥化作用saprofication
- 煤化作用coalification
- 煤成岩作用coal diagenesis
- 煤变质作用coal metamorphism
- 煤变质作用类型type of coal meta-morphism
- 煤深成变质deep burial metamor-phism of coal
- 煤接触变质contact metamorphism of coal
- 煤区域岩浆热变质regional mag-matic-heat metamorphism of coal
- 煤动力变质dynamic metamor-phism of coal
- 煤变质程度degree of coal meta-morphism
- 煤阶coal rank
- 煤化跃变coalification jump
- 希尔特规律Hilt's rule
- 煤变质梯度gradient of coal meta-morphism
- 煤变质带metamorphic zone of coal
- 煤成因类型genetic type of coal
- 腐植煤humic coal
- 腐泥煤sapropelic coal
- 腐植腐泥煤humic-sapropelic coal
- 腐泥腐植煤sapropelic-humic coal
- 残植煤liptobiolith
- 藻煤boghead coal
- 烛煤cannel coal
- 煤精jet
- 油页岩oil shale;kerogen shale
- 天然焦natural coke;carbonite