通风电耗 electrical energy con-sumption of ventilation 通风电耗的意思 electrical energy con-sumption of ventilation的意思
英文对照electrical energy con-sumption of ventilation
见载刊物《煤炭科技名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供通风电耗,electrical energy con-sumption of ventilation,通风电耗的意思,electrical energy con-sumption of ventilation的意思,通风电耗的英文,electrical energy con-sumption of ventilation的翻译,通风电耗的翻译,通风电耗是什么意思,通风电耗什么意思,electrical energy con-sumption of ventilation是什么意思,electrical energy con-sumption of ventilation什么意思
通风电耗 相关科技名词
- 矿区供电系统mining area powersupply system
- 矿井供电系统mine power supply system
- 矿区变电所mining area main sub-station
- 矿井地面[主]变电所surface main substation
- 中性点有效接地系统system with effectively earthed neutral
- 中性点非有效接地系统system with non-effectively earthed neutral
- 中性点直接接地的配电系统distri-bution system connected directly to earth
- 中性点经电抗接地的配电系统dis-tribution system connected to earth through a reactor
- 中性点经电阻接地的配电系统dis-tribution system connected to earth through a resistor
- 中性点绝缘的配电系统distribu-tion system insulated from earth
- 单相接地电容电流unbalanced earth fault capacitance current
- 井下供电系统underground power supply system
- 井下主变电所underground main substation
- 采区变电所working section sub-station
- 工作面配电点face power distribu-tion point
- 矿用隔爆型移动变电站flameproof mining mobile transformer substa-tion;FLP transformer for use in mine
- 矿用隔爆型干式变压器flameproof dry-type transformer
- 矿用橡套软电缆rubber-sheathed flexible cable for mine
- 隔爆型电缆连接器bolted flame-proof cable coupling device for mine;flameproof connection box for mine
- 吨煤电耗electrical energy con-sumption per tonne of raw coal
- 吨煤电费electric energy cost per tonne of raw coal
- 通风电耗electrical energy con-sumption of ventilation
- 压风比功率specific power of com-pressed air
- 矿灯head lamp
- 矿用防爆灯具flameproof luminaire
- 排水电耗0electrical energy consumption of pumping