科学技术名词为您提供有限型黎曼[曲]面,Riemann surface of finite type,有限型黎曼[曲]面的意思,Riemann surface of finite type的意思,有限型黎曼[曲]面的英文,Riemann surface of finite type的翻译,有限型黎曼[曲]面的翻译,有限型黎曼[曲]面是什么意思,有限型黎曼[曲]面什么意思,Riemann surface of finite type是什么意思,Riemann surface of finite type什么意思
有限型黎曼[曲]面 相关科技名词
- 复分析complex analysis
- 实部real part
- 虚部imaginary part
- 模modulus
- 辐角argument
- 复数的三角形式trigonometrical form of complex number
- 共轭复数conjugate complex number
- 实轴real axis
- 虚轴imaginary axis
- 复平面complex plane
- 有限点finite point
- 扩充复平面extended complex plane
- 球极平面投影stereographic projection
- 球面距离spherical distance
- 区域domain;region
- 单连通[区]域simply connected domain
- 多连通[区]域multiply connected domain
- 单位圆[盘]unit disk
- 半平面half plane
- 凸区域convex domain
- 若尔当弧Jordan arc
- 闭曲线closed curve
- 周线contour
- 缺项级数lacunary series
- 幂级数power series
- 收敛半径radius of convergence
- 柯西-阿达马公式Cauchy-Hadamard formula
- 收敛圆circle of convergence
- 过度收敛overconvergence
- 狄利克雷级数Dirichlet series
- 收敛横坐标abscissa of convergence
- 绝对收敛横坐标abscissa of absolute convergence
- 正则[性]横坐标abscissa of regularity
- 收敛轴axis of convergence
- 收敛半平面half plane of convergence
- 极限函数limiting function;limit function
- 复变数complex variable
- 复变函数function of complex variable
- 单值函数single valued function;uniform function
- 多值函数multiple valued function;multivalued function