英文对照oil and gas gathering-transportation and storage engineering
见载刊物《石油名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供油气集输与储运工程,oil and gas gathering-transportation and storage engineering,油气集输与储运工程的意思,oil and gas gathering-transportation and storage engineering的意思,油气集输与储运工程的英文,oil and gas gathering-transportation and storage engineering的翻译,油气集输与储运工程的翻译,油气集输与储运工程是什么意思,油气集输与储运工程什么意思,oil and gas gathering-transportation and storage engineering是什么意思,oil and gas gathering-transportation and storage engineering什么意思
油气集输与储运工程 相关科技名词
- 油气地质勘探petroleum and gas geology and exploration
- 石油地球物理petroleum geophysics
- 地球物理测井geophysical well logging
- 石油工程petroleum engineering
- 钻井工程drilling engineering
- 油气田开发与开采oil-gas field development and exploitation
- 石油炼制petroleum processing
- 石油化工petrochemical processing
- 海洋石油技术offshore oil technique
- 油气集输与储运工程oil and gas gathering-transportation and storage engineering
- 石油钻采机械与设备petroleum drilling and production equipment
- 油田化学oilfield chemistry
- 油气藏hydrocarbon reservoir
- 油藏oil reservoir
- 气藏gas reservoir
- 商业油气藏commercial hydrocarbon reservoir
- 油气田oil-gas field
- 油田oil field
- 气田gas field
- 大油气田large oil-gas field
- 特大油气田giant oil-gas field
- 岩石物性physical properties of rock
- 岩石物理学petrophysics
- 野外方法field method
- 野外装备field equipment
- 石油petroleum
- 天然石油natural oil
- 人造石油artificial oil
- 原油crude oil
- 原油性质oil property
- 石蜡基原油paraffin-base crude [oil]
- 环烷基原油naphthene-base crude [oil]
- 中间基原油intermediate-base crude [oil]
- 芳香基原油aromatic base crude [oil]
- 含硫原油sulfur-bearing crude;sour crude
- 拔头原油topped crude
- 重质原油heavy crude [oil]
- 含蜡原油waxy crude [oil]
- 合成原油synthetic crude
- 凝析油condensate;condensed oil