排烃临界值 expulsion threshold value of hydrocarbon;critical release factor of oil and gas 排烃临界值的意思
英文对照expulsion threshold value of hydrocarbon;critical release factor of oil and gas
见载刊物《石油名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供排烃临界值,expulsion threshold value of hydrocarbon;critical release factor of oil and gas,排烃临界值的意思,expulsion threshold value of hydrocarbon;critical release factor of oil and gas的意思,排烃临界值的英文,expulsion threshold value of hydrocarbon;critical release factor of oil and gas的翻译,排烃临界值的翻译,排烃临界值是什么意思,排烃临界值什么意思,expulsion threshold value of hydrocarbon;critical release factor of oil and gas是什么意思,expulsion threshold value of hydrocarbon;critical release factor of oil and gas什么意思
排烃临界值 相关科技名词
- 地层压力formation pressure
- 上覆岩层压力overburden pressure
- 岩石压力rock pressure
- 孔隙流体压力pore fluid pressure
- 地静压力geostatic pressure
- 静水压力hydrostatic pressure
- 动水压力hydrodynamic pressure
- 折算压力reduced pressure
- 总水头total head
- 承压水头pressure head;confined head
- 高程水头elevation head
- 压力系数pressure coefficient
- 供水区recharge area
- 承压区confined area
- 泄水区discharge area
- 含水层aquifer
- 不透水层aquifuge
- 自流水artesian water
- 承压水confined water
- 土壤水soil water
- 潜水phreatic water
- 测压面piezometric surface
- 测势面potentiometric surface
- 静液面static liquid level
- 动液面dynamic liquid level
- 潜水面phreatic water table
- 水力梯度hydraulic gradient
- 势分析potential analysis
- 气势分析gas potential analysis
- 油势分析oil potential analysis
- 水势分析water potential analysis
- 等势面isopotential surface
- 等压面isopressure surface
- 构造作用力tectonic force
- 浮力buoyancy
- 扩散diffusion
- 异常高压abnormal pressure;overpressure
- 异常低压subnormal pressure;subpressure
- 地压geopressure
- 地热geotherm;terrestrial heat