科学技术名词为您提供野营房,mobile field camp,野营房的意思,mobile field camp的意思,野营房的英文,mobile field camp的翻译,野营房的翻译,野营房是什么意思,野营房什么意思,mobile field camp是什么意思,mobile field camp什么意思
野营房 相关科技名词
- 钻井工程模拟器drilling engineering simulator
- 黏软地层soft formation with sticky layer
- 软地层soft formation
- 软-中地层soft-to-medium formation
- 中-硬地层medium-to-hard formation
- 硬地层hard formation
- 极硬地层extremely hard formation
- [岩石]弹性模量elastic modulus of rock
- [岩石]泊松比Poisson's ratio of rock
- [岩石]物理机械性质physical-mechanical properties of rock
- [岩石]剪切模量shear modulus of rock
- [岩石]抗拉强度tensile strength of rock
- 岩石抗压强度compressive strength of rock
- [岩石]硬度hardness of rock
- [岩石]抗剪强度shear strength of rock
- [岩石]三轴强度试验triaxial test of rock
- 脆性岩石brittle rock
- 塑性岩石plastic rock
- [岩石]假塑性破坏pseudo-plastic failure of rock
- [岩石]塑性系数plasticity coefficient of rock
- [岩石]表面破碎surface failure of rock
- [岩石]疲劳破坏fatigue failure of rock
- [岩石]体积破坏volumetric fracture of rock
- [岩石]单位体积破坏功specific volumetric fracture work of rock
- 侧压系数coefficient of lateral pressure
- 围压confining pressure
- 有效应力effective stress
- 压持效应chip hold down effect
- 岩石可钻性drillability of rock
- 岩石研磨性rock abrasiveness
- 钻井液drilling fluid
- 泥浆mud
- 水基钻井液water-base drilling fluid
- 分散钻井液dispersed drilling fluid
- 钾石灰钻井液potassium lime drilling fluid
- 加重钻井液weighted drilling fluid
- 淡水钻井液fresh-water drilling fluid
- 不分散低固相钻井液non-dispersed low solid drilling fluid
- 聚合物钻井液polymer drilling fluid
- 抑制性钻井液inhibitive drilling fluid