渗流力学 fluid mechanics in porous medium 渗流力学的意思 fluid mechanics in porous medium的意思 渗流力学的英文
科学技术名词为您提供渗流力学,fluid mechanics in porous medium,渗流力学的意思,fluid mechanics in porous medium的意思,渗流力学的英文,fluid mechanics in porous medium的翻译,渗流力学的翻译,渗流力学是什么意思,渗流力学什么意思,fluid mechanics in porous medium是什么意思,fluid mechanics in porous medium什么意思
渗流力学 相关科技名词
- 采油指数oil productivity index
- 采气指数gas productivity index
- 气井产能gas well deliverability;gas well productivity
- 油井工作制度production well proration
- 不稳定试井transient well test
- 压力恢复试井pressure build-up test
- 压力降落法试井pressure drawdown test
- 试井分析well test analysis
- 试井解释interpretation of well testing data
- 霍纳法Horner method
- 马斯卡特法Muskat method
- 关井前稳定生产期pre-shut-in constant-rate period
- MDH法Miller-Dyes-Hutchinson method
- MBH法Mathews-Brons-Hazebroek method
- 探边测试reservoir delineation test
- 干扰试井well interference test
- 激动井active well;interfering well
- 反应井observation well;responding well
- 脉冲试井pulse testing
- 两流量试井two-rate well testing
- 多流量试井multiple-rate well testing
- 续流afterflow
- 续流校正afterflow correction
- 井筒贮存系数wellbore storage coefficient
- 压力恢复曲线“驼峰”hump on the pressure build-up curve
- 压力动态边界效应effect of reservoir boundary on pressure behavior
- 惯性湍流效应inertial-turbulent flow effect
- 气体湍流系数gas turbulence factor
- 井壁污染wellbore damage
- 打开程度不完善partial penetration
- 表皮效应skin effect
- 表皮系数skin factor
- 视表皮系数apparent skin factor
- 污染系数damage factor
- 流动效率flow efficiency
- 污染比damage ratio
- 油井折算半径effective wellbore radius
- 产能系数permeability-thickness product;flow capacity
- 流动系数mobility-thickness product;tran- smissibility
- 现代试井分析modern well test analysis