科学技术名词为您提供旁接油罐流程,floating tank process,旁接油罐流程的意思,floating tank process的意思,旁接油罐流程的英文,floating tank process的翻译,旁接油罐流程的翻译,旁接油罐流程是什么意思,旁接油罐流程什么意思,floating tank process是什么意思,floating tank process什么意思
旁接油罐流程 相关科技名词
- 长距离输油管道long distance oil pipeline
- 旁接油罐流程floating tank process
- 密闭输送流程tight line process
- 等温输送isothermal pipelining
- 管路特性曲线characteristic curve of pipeline
- 离心泵特性曲线characteristic curve of centrifugal pump
- 气蚀cavitation
- 气蚀余量net positive suction head;NPSH
- 水击surge
- 水击压力波surge pressure wave
- 超压保护overpressure protection
- 欠压保护underpressure protection
- 水击超前控制rarefaction control
- 水击泄压罐surge tank
- 安全泄压阀safety relief valve
- 安全停输时间safety margin of pipeline shut down
- 预热启动pipeline start up by preheating
- 试运投产commissioning trial
- 监控和数据采集系统supervisory control and data aquisition system;SCADA system
- 远程终端remote terminal unit;RTU
- 空中巡线aerial surveillance
- 线路航摄镶嵌图mosaic
- 管道通过权right of way;ROW
- 汇管header
- 管汇manifold
- 管架pipe rack
- 管网pipeline network
- 管廊pipeline lane
- 变径管telescoping pipeline
- 副管looped pipeline
- 并联管网parallel pipeline
- 环状管网looped network
- 复线double pipeline
- 顺序输送batch pipelining
- 输送顺序sequence of batching products
- 循环周期period of batching cycle
- 混油浓度mixing concentration
- 混油长度mixture spread
- 混油界面batching interface
- 界面检测interface detection