科学技术名词为您提供运流电流,convection current,运流电流的意思,convection current的意思,运流电流的英文,convection current的翻译,运流电流的翻译,运流电流是什么意思,运流电流什么意思,convection current是什么意思,convection current什么意思
运流电流 相关科技名词
- 差波束difference beam
- 波束角beam angle
- 差波束零深null depth of difference beam
- 波束立体角beam solid angle
- 差波束分离角separated angle of difference beam
- 波束调向beam steering
- 波束形状因数beam shape factor
- 波束宽度beamwidth
- 电子扫描electronic scanning
- 圆扫描circular scanning
- 扫描角scan angle
- 机械扫描mechanical scanning
- 扫描扇形scan sector
- 角跟踪angle tracking
- 阵因子array factor
- 视轴boresight
- 斜视squint
- 无惯性扫描inertialess scanning
- 天线方向图antenna pattern
- 机电调向electronic mechanically steering
- 天线基准轴reference boresight of antenna
- 电轴electrical boresight
- 合成孔径synthetic aperture
- 方向性directivity
- 方向性增益directive gain
- 庞加莱球Poincare sphere
- 馈线feed line
- 馈源feed source
- 非周期天线aperiodic antenna
- 背射天线backfire antenna
- 贝弗里奇天线Beverage antenna
- 双锥天线biconical antenna
- 刀形天线blade antenna
- 笼形天线cage antenna
- 同轴天线coaxial antenna
- 定向天线directional antenna
- 盘锥天线discone antenna
- 鱼骨天线fishbone antenna
- 平顶天线flattop antenna
- 对数周期天线logarithm periodic antenna