科学技术名词为您提供特征集合,characteristic set,特征集合的意思,characteristic set的意思,特征集合的英文,characteristic set的翻译,特征集合的翻译,特征集合是什么意思,特征集合什么意思,characteristic set是什么意思,characteristic set什么意思
特征集合 相关科技名词
- 强最大值原理strong maximum principle
- 最大值原理maximum principle
- 最小值原理minimum principle
- 三曲线定理three-curve theorem
- 三曲面定理three-surface theorem
- 三球面定理three-sphere theorem
- 狄利克雷问题Dirichlet problem
- 诺伊曼问题Neumann problem
- 混合边界问题mixed boundary problem
- 斜微商问题oblique derivative problem
- 狄利克雷数据Dirichlet data
- 广义格林公式generalized Green formula
- 格林函数Green function
- 球面[平]均值公式spherical means formula
- 泊松方程Poisson equation
- 齐次边界条件homogeneous boundary condition
- 泊松公式Poisson formula
- 解的积分表示integral representation of solution
- 哈纳克不等式Harnack inequality
- 施瓦茨交替法Schwarz alternative method
- 诺伊曼法Neumann method
- 弗雷德霍姆法Fredholm method
- 狄利克雷原理Dirichlet principle
- 狄利克雷积分Dirichlet integral
- 庞加莱公式Poincare&1& formula
- 庞加莱不等式Poincare&1& inequality
- 闸函数barrier [function]
- 正则边界点regular boundary point
- 非正则边界点irregular boundary point
- 佩龙法Perron method
- 绍德尔法Schauder method
- 连续性方法continuity method
- 勒雷-绍德尔不动点法fixed point method of Leray and Schauder
- 绍德尔估计Schauder estimates
- 内估计interior estimate
- 边界估计boundary estimate
- 先验界限a priori bound
- 先验估计a priori estimate
- 亚函数hypofunction
- 亚调和函数hypoharmonic function