科学技术名词为您提供交换码,code for interchange,交换码的意思,code for interchange的意思,交换码的英文,code for interchange的翻译,交换码的翻译,交换码是什么意思,交换码什么意思,code for interchange是什么意思,code for interchange什么意思
交换码 相关科技名词
- 通用词commonly-used word
- 专用词special term
- 单纯词simple word
- 合成词compound word
- 短语phrase
- 固定短语fixed phrase
- 词频word frequency
- 词的使用度word usage
- 词流通频度circulation frequency of word
- 词使用频度utility frequency of word
- 词分类流通频度circulation frequency of the word classification
- 句子sentence
- 句法关系syntactic relation
- 单义monosemy
- 多义polysemy
- 歧义ambiguity
- 上下位关系hyponymy
- 代码扩充code extension
- 代码表code table
- 汉字交换码Hanzi code for interchange;Chi- nese character code for inter- change
- 汉字信息交换码Hanzi code for information inter- change;Chinese character code for information interchange
- 交换码code for interchange
- 区位码code by section-position
- 汉字区位码Hanzi section-position code
- 汉字内码Hanzi internal code;Chinese char- acter internal code
- 汉字扩展内码规范Hanzi expanded internal code spec- ification
- 汉字控制功能码Hanzi control function code;Chi- nese character control function code
- 平面plane
- 基本多文种平面basic multilingual plane;BMP
- 辅助平面supplementary plane
- 专用平面private use plane
- 图形符号graphic symbol
- 中日韩统一汉字CJK unified ideograph
- 控制字符control character
- 正则形式canonical form
- 字位cell
- 字符边界character boundary
- 编码字符coded character
- 组合用字符combining character
- 兼容字符compatibility character