碳化 相关科技名词
- 孔隙率porosity
- 颗粒组成grain composition
- 粒径grain size
- 级配gradation
- 开级配open gradation
- 密级配dense gradation
- 间断级配gap grading
- 连续级配continuous grading
- 碱集料反应alkali-aggregate reaction
- 细度fineness
- 细度模数fineness modulus
- 含泥量soil content
- 石料磨光值polished value
- 含水率moisture capacity
- 稠度consistency
- 水灰比water-cement ratio
- 混凝土配合料batching
- 坍落度slump
- 立方体试块test cube
- [混凝土]配合比设计concrete mix design
- 工作度workability
- 凝结setting
- 硬化hardening
- 早期强度early strength
- 抗冻性frost resistant
- 龄期age of hardening
- 碳化carbonization
- 硬度hardness
- 不透水性water tightness
- 水硬性hydraulicity
- 气硬性air hardening
- 水稳性water stability
- 软化系数coefficient of softness
- 亲水性hydrophilicity
- [集料]亲水系数hydrophilic coefficient
- 憎水性hydrophobicity
- 水化hydration
- 离析segregation
- 老化ageing
- 针入度penetration