比例加载 proportional loading 比例加载的意思 proportional loading的意思 比例加载的英文 proportional loading的翻译
科学技术名词为您提供比例加载,proportional loading,比例加载的意思,proportional loading的意思,比例加载的英文,proportional loading的翻译,比例加载的翻译,比例加载是什么意思,比例加载什么意思,proportional loading是什么意思,proportional loading什么意思
比例加载 相关科技名词
- 连续介质continuum;continuum medium
- 本构方程constitutive equation
- 应变能strain energy
- 势能potential energy
- 余能complementary energy
- 艾里应力函数Airy stress function
- 圣维南原理Saint-Venant principle
- 板plate;slab
- 基尔霍夫假设Kirchhoff hypothesis
- 壳shell
- 折板folded plate;folded slab
- 壳体薄膜理论membrane theory of shell
- 应力集中stress concentration
- 复合材料composite material
- 应力偏[张]量deviatoric tensor of stress
- 应变偏[张]量deviatoric tensor of strain
- 应变率strain rate
- 等效应力equivalent stress
- 等效应变equivalent strain
- 永久变形permanent deformation
- 屈服点yield point
- 屈服条件yield condition
- 屈服准则yield criterion
- 特雷斯卡屈服准则Tresca yield criterion
- 米泽斯屈服准则Mises yield criterion
- 莫尔屈服准则Mohr yield criterion
- 残余应力residual stress
- 残余应变residual strain
- 理想弹塑性材料perfect elastoplastic material
- 刚塑性材料rigid-plastic material
- 应变强化strain hardening
- 塑性形变理论plastic deformation theory
- 塑性增量理论incremental theory of plasticity
- 塑性铰plastic hinge
- 塑性铰线plastic hinge line
- 塑性流幅plastic flow range
- 极限荷载limit load
- 极限设计limit design
- 比例加载proportional loading
- 卸载unloading