排水管渠 相关科技名词
- 废水量wastewater flow rate
- 雨水量storm runoff
- 暴雨强度intensity of storms
- 合流水量combined-sewer flow
- 人口当量population equivalent
- 排水制度sewer system
- 合流制combined system
- 分流制separate system
- 旱季流量dry-weather flow
- 重现期recurrence interval
- 降雨历时duration of rainfall
- 集水时间inlet time
- 汇流时间time of concentration
- 充满度depth ratio
- 截留倍数interception ratio
- 径流系数runoff coefficient
- 截流管intercepting sewer;interceptor
- 管渠conduit
- 渠道channel;canal
- 出水口outfall
- 雨水口storm-water inlet
- 排水管渠sewer
- 检查井manhole
- 水塔elevated water tank
- 消火栓hydrant
- 防潮门tide gate
- 吸水井suction well
- 公用给水站public water-supply station
- 未预见水unaccounted-for water
- 服务水头service head
- 供水量water output
- 取水量water withdrawal
- 用水定额water consumption quota
- 排水定额wastewater flow quota
- 水压water pressure
- 城市废水municipal wastewater
- 生活废水domestic wastewater
- 工业废水industrial wastewater
- 日变化系数daily variation factor
- 时变化系数hourly variation factor