管沟敷设 in-duct installation 管沟敷设的意思 in-duct installation的意思 管沟敷设的英文 in-duct installation的翻译
科学技术名词为您提供管沟敷设,in-duct installation,管沟敷设的意思,in-duct installation的意思,管沟敷设的英文,in-duct installation的翻译,管沟敷设的翻译,管沟敷设是什么意思,管沟敷设什么意思,in-duct installation是什么意思,in-duct installation什么意思
管沟敷设 相关科技名词
- 热网heat-supply network
- 蒸汽热网steam heat-supply network
- 单管制蒸汽热网one-pipe steam heat-supply network
- 双管制蒸汽热网two-pipe steam heat-supply network
- 多管制蒸汽热网multipipe steam heat-supply network
- 热水热网hot-water heat-supply network
- 开式热水热网open-type hot-water heat-supply network
- 闭式热水热网closed-type hot-water heat-supply network
- 供热管线heat-supply pipeline
- 供水管water supply pipe
- 回水管water return pipe
- 连通管interconnecting pipe
- 分段阀sectioning valve
- 放水阀drain valve;blow off valve
- 放气阀vent valve
- 疏水器steam trap
- 地上敷设above-ground installation
- 地下敷设underground installation
- 管沟敷设in-duct installation
- 直埋敷设directly buried installation
- 套管敷设casing installation
- 管沟pipe duct
- 管道支座pipe support
- 管道支架pipe trestle
- 保温insulation
- 热损失heat loss
- 热补偿compensation of thermal expansion
- 补偿器compensator for thermal expansion
- 热伸长thermal expansion
- 比压降specific pressure drop
- 失水率rate of water loss
- 补水率make-up water percentage
- 凝结水回收率condensate recovery percentage
- 凝结水回收系统condensate return system