科学技术名词为您提供孔道灌浆,duct grouting,孔道灌浆的意思,duct grouting的意思,孔道灌浆的英文,duct grouting的翻译,孔道灌浆的翻译,孔道灌浆是什么意思,孔道灌浆什么意思,duct grouting是什么意思,duct grouting什么意思
孔道灌浆 相关科技名词
- 建筑红线property line
- 地界标志property line post
- 场地平整site levelling;levelling of ground
- 土方平衡earthwork balance
- 网格法grid method
- 断面法sectional method
- 明沟排水open channel drainage;open ditch drainage
- 人工降低地下水位artificial dewatering;lowering of underground water
- 井点排水well-point dewatering
- 井点回灌well-point back pumping
- 水冲沉桩water-jet piling;hydraulic jet piling
- 锤击沉桩hammer piling
- 振动沉桩vibration piling
- 静力压桩static press piling
- 滑模sliding form;slipform
- 爬模climbing form
- 大模板large form;gang form
- 隧道模tunnel form
- 飞模flying form;corbel form
- 升板lift slab
- 拆模removal of form
- 预[加]应力prestressing
- 先张法pretensioning method
- 后张法post-tensioning method
- 张拉控制应力jacking control stress;control stress for prestressing
- 超张拉over-stretching;over-tensioning
- 孔道灌浆duct grouting
- 成型工艺moulding process
- 钢模成型steel form moulding
- 长线台座成型long line platform moulding
- 胎模成型socket form moulding
- 拉模成型pulling form moulding
- 铸压成型die casting moulding
- 成组立模成型vertical cassette form moulding
- 离心成型centrifugally spinning moulding
- 冷拉cold stretching
- 冷拔cold drawing
- 点焊point welding;spot welding
- 电弧焊arc welding
- 钢筋对焊steel bar butt welding