英文对照hydrometric cable-car
所属学科水利科学技术 > 水文、水资源 > 应用水文学(水利)
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科学技术名词为您提供水文缆车,hydrometric cable-car,水文缆车的意思,hydrometric cable-car的意思,水文缆车的英文,hydrometric cable-car的翻译,水文缆车的翻译,水文缆车是什么意思,水文缆车什么意思,hydrometric cable-car是什么意思,hydrometric cable-car什么意思
水文缆车 相关科技名词
- 推移质采样器bed load sampler
- 核含沙量仪nuclear sediment concentration meter
- 含沙量sediment concentration
- 悬移质输沙率suspended load discharge
- 推移质输沙率bed load discharge
- 输沙量sediment runoff
- 地下水位groundwater level
- 水质water quality
- 水质监测water-quality monitoring
- 水质分析water-quality analysis
- 离子总量total ion concentration
- 溶解氧dissolved oxygen
- pH值pH value
- 水文遥感hydrological remote-sensing
- 水文遥测hydrological telemetering
- 水文自动测报系统automatic system of hydrological data acquisition and transmission
- 水文调查hydrological survey
- 洪水调查flood survey
- 洪痕flood marks
- 枯水调查low-flow survey
- 水文实验站hydrological experimental station
- 水文实验流域hydrological experimental basin
- 代表流域representative basin
- 水文资料整编hydrological data compilation
- 水文年hydrological year;water year
- 水文统计hydrological statistics
- 水文过程线hydrograph
- 历时曲线duration curve
- 等值线图isogram;isopleth
- 径流深depth of runoff
- 径流模数modulus of runoff
- 水文资料hydrological data
- 水文年鉴hydrological year-book;water year-book
- 水文数据库hydrological data bank;hydrological data base
- 水文计算hydrological computation
- 频率分析frequency analysis
- 水文频率曲线frequency curve
- 累积频率曲线cummulative probability curve
- 变差系数coefficient of variation
- 偏态系数coefficient of skewness