英文对照subsoil moistness classification
见载刊物《古生物学名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供土基干湿类型,subsoil moistness classification,土基干湿类型的意思,subsoil moistness classification的意思,土基干湿类型的英文,subsoil moistness classification的翻译,土基干湿类型的翻译,土基干湿类型是什么意思,土基干湿类型什么意思,subsoil moistness classification是什么意思,subsoil moistness classification什么意思
土基干湿类型 相关科技名词
- 计划任务书planning assignment
- 初步设计preliminary design
- 技术设计technical design
- 扩大初步设计enlarged preliminary design
- 施工图设计construction drawing design
- 后评价post-assessment
- 经济效益费用比economic benefit cost ratio;EBCR
- 经济净现值economic net present value;ENPV
- 经济内部收益率economic internal rate of return;EIRR
- 投资回收期repayment period of investment
- 贷款偿还能力loan repay ability
- 敏感性分析susceptivity analysis
- 直接效益direct benefit
- 间接效益indirect benefit
- 道路经济分析road economical analysis
- 费用效益分析cost/benefit analysis
- 公路使用者费用highway user's cost
- 公路使用者效益highway user's benefit
- 缩短里程效益benefit from distance shortening
- 减少交通事故效益benefit from accidents reducing
- 公路造价highway construction cost
- 工程直接费direct expense of project
- 工程间接费indirect expense of project
- 工程预备费reserve fund of project
- 养护费用maintenance cost
- 大修工程费major maintenance cost
- 交通管理费traffic administration cost
- 公路残值highway residual value
- 公路技术管理highway technical administration
- 公路工程技术标准highway technical standard
- 标准设计standard design
- 公路勘测规程highway reconnaissance and survey regulations
- 材料试验法materials test methods
- 设计规范design specification
- 施工规范construction specification
- 定额norm;quota;rating
- 公路工程估算指标estimate index of highway project
- 公路工程概算定额approximate estimate norm of highway project
- 公路工程预算定额budgetary norm of highway project
- 设计交通量design traffic volume