中桩填挖高度 height of cut and fill at center stake 中桩填挖高度的意思 height of cut and fill at center stake的意思
英文对照height of cut and fill at center stake
见载刊物《古生物学名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供中桩填挖高度,height of cut and fill at center stake,中桩填挖高度的意思,height of cut and fill at center stake的意思,中桩填挖高度的英文,height of cut and fill at center stake的翻译,中桩填挖高度的翻译,中桩填挖高度是什么意思,中桩填挖高度什么意思,height of cut and fill at center stake是什么意思,height of cut and fill at center stake什么意思
中桩填挖高度 相关科技名词
- 湿陷性黄土collapsed loess
- 黑棉土black cotton soil
- 膨胀土expansive soil;swelling soil
- 红黏土red clay
- 盐渍土salty soil
- 有机[质]土organic soil
- 腐殖土muck
- 高岭土kaolin
- 荒漠土desert soil
- 裂隙黏土fissured clay
- 蒙脱土montmorillonite
- 白垩土chalky clay
- 原状土parent soil
- 表土topsoil
- 底土subsoil
- 风积土neolian soil
- 冲积土alluvial soil
- 坡积土slope wash soil
- 洪积土diluvial soil
- 地震区seismic region
- 砂土液化sand liquefaction
- 桥位勘测bridge site survey
- 桥位平面图plan of bridge site
- 桥位地形图topographic map of bridge site
- 桥轴线纵剖面profile of bridge axis
- 地质调查geologic survey
- 地质剖面图geologic profile
- 工程地质略图engineering geologic sketch
- 地质测井geologic logging
- 地质图例geologic legend
- 钻孔柱状图boring log
- 硬表层crust
- 硬盘hardpan
- 基岩bedrock
- 硬岩hardrock
- 软岩softrock
- 岩层rock stratum
- 岩缝填充物joint-filling material
- 岩相lithofacies
- 构造节理structure joint