夺溜 capture of major current 夺溜的意思 capture of major current的意思 夺溜的英文 capture of major current的翻译
英文对照capture of major current
名词定义(1)河堤决口后主流改道的现象。(2)在河流中水流切滩,改变局部河段主流的现象 。
见载刊物《水利科技名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供夺溜,capture of major current,夺溜的意思,capture of major current的意思,夺溜的英文,capture of major current的翻译,夺溜的翻译,夺溜是什么意思,夺溜什么意思,capture of major current是什么意思,capture of major current什么意思
夺溜 相关科技名词
- 防汛flood defense
- 汛seasonal flood
- 汛期flood season
- 主汛期major flood period
- 春汛spring flood
- 伏汛summer flood
- 秋汛autumn flood
- 凌汛ice flood
- 潮汛tide flood
- 防汛检查inspection of flood defense
- 防汛抢险emergency protection in flood defense
- 淘刷scouring of levee or bank
- 堤防脱坡dike sloughing
- 堤坝滑动dike level sliding
- 堤防浪坎wave-cut bench of levee
- 决口levee breach
- 冲决levee breach due to scouring
- 溃决levee breach due to breaking
- 漫决levee breach due to over-topping
- 扒口artificial levee breach
- 夺溜capture of major current
- 堵口closure of breach
- 立堵vertical closure
- 平堵horizontal closure
- 立平堵vertical-horizontal closure
- 进占advance
- 捆厢fascine roll
- 埽工fascine works
- 龙口closure gap
- 合龙closure of dike
- 闭气water tight
- 河流改道change river course