水能资源 hydropower resources 水能资源的意思 hydropower resources的意思 水能资源的英文 hydropower resources的翻译
英文对照hydropower resources
见载刊物《水利科技名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供水能资源,hydropower resources,水能资源的意思,hydropower resources的意思,水能资源的英文,hydropower resources的翻译,水能资源的翻译,水能资源是什么意思,水能资源什么意思,hydropower resources是什么意思,hydropower resources什么意思
水能资源 相关科技名词
- 水能利用hydroenergy utilization
- 水能资源hydropower resources
- 河流水能资源hydropower resources of river
- 海洋能资源marine energy resources
- 再生能源renewable energy resources
- 可开发水能资源available hydropower resources
- 技术可开发的水能资源technically feasible hydropower resources
- 经济可开发的水能资源economically feasible hydropower resources
- 水能经济economy of hydroenergy
- 水电站经济分析economic analysis of hydropower station
- 水力发电站hydropower station
- 梯级水电开发cascade hydropower development
- 跨流域水电开发interbasin hydropower development
- 水电工程规划hydropower project planning
- 日调节daily regulation
- 周调节weekly regulation
- 季调节seasonal regulation
- 年调节annual regulation
- 多年调节overyear regulation
- 等流量径流调节equal discharge runoff regulation
- 变流量径流调节variable discharge runoff regulation
- 变出力径流调节variable output runoff regulation
- 补偿调节compensating regulation
- 梯级水电站补偿调节compensating regulation of cascade hydropower stations
- 跨流域电力补偿径流调节interbasin electricial compensating runoff regulation
- 反调节re-regulation
- 水量利用系数water efficiency of hydropower plant
- 水电站尾水位tailwater level of hydropower station
- 初期发电水位reservoir water level for initial energy generation
- 设计保证率design dependability
- 设计枯水年design low flow year
- 特征水头characteristic head
- 最大水头maximum head
- 最小水头minimum head
- 平均水头average head
- 设计水头design head
- 额定水头rated head
- 多年平均年发电量average annual energy generation
- 保证出力firm output
- 预想出力expected output