科学技术名词为您提供公路网,highway network,公路网的意思,highway network的意思,公路网的英文,highway network的翻译,公路网的翻译,公路网是什么意思,公路网什么意思,highway network是什么意思,highway network什么意思
公路网 相关科技名词
- 沉积节理sedimentation joint
- 层理stratification
- 片理schistosity
- 断层fault
- 断层走向fault strike
- 倾斜断层dip fault
- 褶皱fold
- 破碎带fracture zone
- 地层stratum
- 持力层bearing stratum
- 下卧层underlying stratum
- 层状土stratified soil
- 岩心core
- 岩心采取率percentage of coring
- 原状土样undisturbed sample
- 扰动土样disturbed sample
- 场地稳定性评价site stability evaluation
- 公路路政管理highway administration
- 公路路线编号code number of highway route
- 国道主干线national main trunk line
- 国家干线公路national trunk highway
- 省干线公路provincial trunk highway
- 县公路county highway
- 乡公路township highway
- 国防公路national defence highway
- 公路用地right-of-way
- 道路建筑限界boundary line of road construction
- 路产highway property
- 养路总段maintenance division
- 养路段maintenance section
- 养路道班maintenance gang
- 开放交通open to traffic
- 封闭交通close to traffic
- 交通疏导traffic dispersion
- 桥梁限载bridge load limit
- 减速过桥passing bridge with reduced speed
- 养护对策maintenance counterproposal
- 收费管理toll administration
- 公路交通监理highway traffic supervision
- 公路附属设施highway appurtenance