英文对照construction height of bridge
所属学科公路交通科学技术 > 桥、涵、隧道、渡口工程
见载刊物《古生物学名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供桥梁建筑高度,construction height of bridge,桥梁建筑高度的意思,construction height of bridge的意思,桥梁建筑高度的英文,construction height of bridge的翻译,桥梁建筑高度的翻译,桥梁建筑高度是什么意思,桥梁建筑高度什么意思,construction height of bridge是什么意思,construction height of bridge什么意思
桥梁建筑高度 相关科技名词
- 漂浮物drifter
- 悬移质suspended load
- 推移质bed material load
- 流冰drift ice
- 水流导向current deflecting
- 调治构造物regulating structure
- 导流堤diversion dike
- 顺坝longitudinal dike
- 丁坝spur dike
- 淹没丁坝submerged spur dike
- 梨形丁坝pear-ended spur dike
- 勾头丁坝bend-ended spur dike
- 防波堤break-water
- 河堤levee
- [桥头]锥坡conical slope
- 护岸bank protection;bank revetment
- 河床铺砌river bed paving
- 桥墩分水尖pier break-water
- 消能槛baffle sill
- 护坦apron
- 柴排mattress;willow fascine
- 柴捆fagot
- 柴捆坝fagot dam
- 石笼gabion
- 抛石防护riprap protection
- 桥[梁]bridge
- 公路桥highway bridge
- 公铁两用桥combined highway and railway bridge;bi-purposed bridge
- 人行桥pedestrian bridge
- 跨河桥river-crossing bridge
- 跨线桥flyover
- 军用桥military bridge
- 港口立交桥estuarial crossing
- 高架桥viaduct;trestle
- 上承式桥deck bridge
- 中承式桥half-through bridge
- 下承式桥through bridge
- 正交桥right bridge
- 斜交桥skew bridge
- 弯桥curved bridge