忌装 avoidance of mixed loading 忌装的意思 avoidance of mixed loading的意思 忌装的英文 avoidance of mixed loading的翻译
科学技术名词为您提供忌装,avoidance of mixed loading,忌装的意思,avoidance of mixed loading的意思,忌装的英文,avoidance of mixed loading的翻译,忌装的翻译,忌装是什么意思,忌装什么意思,avoidance of mixed loading是什么意思,avoidance of mixed loading什么意思
忌装 相关科技名词
- 装卸定额handling quota
- 装卸工时定额handling hourly quota
- 装卸工班定额handling shift quota
- 装卸工班效率handling shift efficiency
- 装卸工时产量handling hourly output
- 装卸机械效率指标handling machinery efficiency index
- 装卸机械生产率handling machinery productivity
- 装卸工人生产率handling worker's productivity
- 装卸工作停歇时间handling intermittence time
- 装卸工作成本handling operation cost
- [货物]堆存吨天数storage ton-days
- [货物]平均堆存天数average storage days
- 公路运输管理highway transport management
- 公路运输计划highway transport plan
- 重点物资运输计划priority materials transport plan
- 车辆运行作业计划vehicle operation plan
- 运量预测transport volume forecast
- 数量指标quantitative index
- 质量指标quality index
- 公路运输量highway transport volume
- 运量volume
- 周转量turnover
- 换算周转量converted turnover
- 货物平均运距freight average haul distance
- 旅客平均运距passenger average haul distance
- 公路运输经济运距break-even distance for highway transport
- 集装箱化率containerization ratio
- 总车日total vehicle-days
- 完好车率vehicle availability rate
- 完好车日available vehicle-days
- 工作车日working vehicle-days
- 工作车班vehicle working shift
- 停驶车日vehicle non-working day
- 吨位rated tonnage
- 客位rated seat
- 总车吨位日total vehicle-ton-days
- 总车客位日total vehicle-seat-days
- 重车行程loaded mileage
- 空车行程deadhead mileage
- 出车时间vehicle line haul hour