蒸汽机车洗修 steam locomotive boiler washout repair 蒸汽机车洗修的意思 steam locomotive boiler washout repair的意思
英文对照steam locomotive boiler washout repair
见载刊物《铁道科技名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供蒸汽机车洗修,steam locomotive boiler washout repair,蒸汽机车洗修的意思,steam locomotive boiler washout repair的意思,蒸汽机车洗修的英文,steam locomotive boiler washout repair的翻译,蒸汽机车洗修的翻译,蒸汽机车洗修是什么意思,蒸汽机车洗修什么意思,steam locomotive boiler washout repair是什么意思,steam locomotive boiler washout repair什么意思
蒸汽机车洗修 相关科技名词
- 无级调压stepless voltage regulation
- 相控调压phase control
- 斩波调压chopper control
- 变阻调压rheostatic control
- 整流方式mode of rectification
- 牵引变流器traction convertor
- 牵引逆变器traction invertor
- 牵引变频器traction frequency convertor
- 可调牵引变频器variable frequency convertor
- 直流斩波器DC chopper
- 单相桥式整流器single-phase bridge rectifier
- 三相桥式整流器three-phase bridge rectifier
- 可控桥式整流器controlled bridge rectifier
- 对称半控桥式整流器symmetric half-controlled bridge rectifier
- 非对称半控桥式整流器asymmetric half-controlled bridge rectifier
- 多段桥[联结]bridges in cascade;multi rectifier bridge
- 硅整流装置silicon rectifier device
- 晶闸管整流装置thyristor rectifier device
- 励磁整流装置excitation rectifier device
- 电力传动方式mode of electric drive
- 直流传动DC drive
- 交-直流传动AC-DC drive
- 交-直-交流传动AC-DC-AC drive
- 调速方式mode of speed control
- 变压调速variable voltage speed control
- 变频调速variable frequency speed control
- 变极调速pole changing speed control
- 车轴驱动方式mode of axle drive
- 弹性齿轮驱动resilient gear drive
- 刚性齿轮驱动solid gear drive
- 单侧减速齿轮驱动single reduction gear drive
- 双侧减速齿轮驱动double reduction gear drive
- 单电动机驱动monomotor drive
- 车轴空心轴驱动quill drive;hollow axle drive
- 电机空心轴驱动hollow shaft motor drive
- 万向轴驱动cardan shaft drive
- 直接驱动gearless drive;direct drive
- 独立驱动individual drive
- 组合驱动coupled axle drive
- 连杆驱动rod drive