科学技术名词为您提供共振频率,resonant frequency,共振频率的意思,resonant frequency的意思,共振频率的英文,resonant frequency的翻译,共振频率的翻译,共振频率是什么意思,共振频率什么意思,resonant frequency是什么意思,resonant frequency什么意思
共振频率 相关科技名词
- 本征矢[量]eigenvector
- 简正模[态]normal mode
- 简正坐标normal coordinate
- [第二类]拉格朗日方程Lagrange equation [of the second kind]
- 第一类拉格朗日方程Lagrange equation of the first kind
- 力学系统mechanical system
- 自由度degree of freedom
- 约束运动constrained motion
- 理想约束ideal constraint
- 定常约束steady constraint
- 非定常约束unsteady constraint
- 双侧约束bilateral constraint
- 单侧约束unilateral constraint
- 完整约束holonomic constraint
- 非完整约束nonholonomic constraint
- 完整系holonomic system
- 非完整系nonholonomic system
- 位形空间configuration space
- 相空间phase space
- 广义力generalized force
- 广义坐标generalized coordinate
- 广义速度generalized velocity
- 广义动量generalized momentum
- 广义动量积分integral of generalized momentum
- 广义能量积分integral of generalized energy
- 可遗坐标ignorable coordinate
- 作用量action
- 最小作用[量]原理principle of least action
- 连续介质continuous medium
- 连续统continuum
- [可]变形体deformable body
- 弹性elasticity
- 弹性体elastic body
- 各向同性isotropy
- 各向异性anisotropy
- 屈服点yield point
- 塑性形变plastic deformation
- 切向应力tangential stress
- 剪切角angle of shear
- 剪应变shearing strain