科学技术名词为您提供港口国管理,port state control;PSC,港口国管理的意思,port state control;PSC的意思,港口国管理的英文,port state control;PSC的翻译,港口国管理的翻译,港口国管理是什么意思,港口国管理什么意思,port state control;PSC是什么意思,port state control;PSC什么意思
港口国管理 相关科技名词
- 抵押登记mortgage registration
- 光船租赁登记bareboat charter registration
- 变更登记registration of alteration
- 注销登记registration of withdrawal
- 验船师surveyer
- 初次检验initial survey
- 定期检验periodical survey
- 年度检验annual survey
- 坞内检验docking survey
- 特别检验special survey
- 循环检验continuous survey
- 临时检验occasional survey
- 展期检验extension survey
- 检验报告survey report
- 公证检验notarial survey
- 货物冷藏装置检验survey of refrigerated cargo installation
- 船体密性试验tightness test for hull
- 压水试验water head test
- 冲水试验hose test
- 泼水试验pouring water test
- 涂煤油试验kerosine test
- 灌水试验water filling test
- 气密试验airtight test
- 系泊试验mooring trial
- 航行试验sea trial
- 试车engine trial
- 惯性试验inertial trial
- 旋回试验turning circle trial
- 倒车试验astern trial
- 操舵试验steering test
- 抛锚试验anchoring test
- 号笛音响度测定determination of range of audibility of sound signal
- 号灯照距测定determination of range of visibility for navigation light
- 倾斜试验inclining test
- 起货设备吊重试验proof test for ship cargo handling gear
- 舷梯强度试验proof test for accommodation ladder
- 救生艇试验test for lifeboat
- 救生浮具浮力试验buoyancy test for buoyant apparatus
- 救生圈试验buoyancy test for lifebuoy
- 救生衣试验buoyancy test for life-jacket