肠道细菌移位 bacterial translocation from intestine 肠道细菌移位的意思 bacterial translocation from intestine的意思
英文对照bacterial translocation from intestine
见载刊物《医学名词(第六分册)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供肠道细菌移位,bacterial translocation from intestine,肠道细菌移位的意思,bacterial translocation from intestine的意思,肠道细菌移位的英文,bacterial translocation from intestine的翻译,肠道细菌移位的翻译,肠道细菌移位是什么意思,肠道细菌移位什么意思,bacterial translocation from intestine是什么意思,bacterial translocation from intestine什么意思
肠道细菌移位 相关科技名词
- 手烧伤burn of hand
- 颈部烧伤burn of neck region
- 会阴部烧伤burn of perineal region
- 吸入性损伤inhalation injury
- 呼吸道烧伤respiratory tract burn
- 蒸汽吸入损伤steam inhalation injury
- 烟雾吸入损伤smoke inhalation injury
- 化学性吸入损伤chemical inhalation injury
- 化学烧伤chemical burn
- 酸烧伤acid burn
- 盐酸烧伤hydrochloric acid burn
- 硫酸烧伤sulfuric acid burn
- 硝酸烧伤nitric acid burn
- 氢氟酸烧伤hydrofluoric acid burn
- 铬酸烧伤chromic acid burn
- 石炭酸烧伤phenol burn;carbolic acid burn
- 碱烧伤alkali burn
- 苛性碱烧伤caustic alkali burn
- 氢氧化钠烧伤sodium hydroxide burn
- 次氯酸钠烧伤sodium hypochlorite burn
- 氨水烧伤aqueous ammonia burn
- 石灰烧伤lime burn
- 水泥烧伤cement burn
- 磷烧伤phosphorus burn
- 芥子气烧伤mustard gas burn
- 化学烧伤全身中毒intoxication after chemical burn
- 催泪弹烧伤tear gas burn
- 电损伤electric injury
- 电接触烧伤electric contact burn
- 高压电损伤high voltage electrical injury
- 低压电损伤low voltage electrical injury
- 电烧伤electric burn
- 电弧烧伤electric arc burn
- 热滚筒烧伤hot roller burn
- 燃烧弹烧伤incendiary bomb burn
- 凝固汽油烧伤napalm burn
- 汽油烧伤petrol burn;gasoline burn
- 沥青烧伤bitumen burn
- 煤焦油烧伤coal tar burn
- 放射性烧伤radiation burn