瘢痕 相关科技名词
- 球拍式牵引夹banjo traction splint
- Z成形术Z-plasty
- 碳氧血红蛋白carboxyhemoglobin
- 胶原酶collagenase
- 真皮胶原dermal collagen
- 纤维连接蛋白fibronectin
- 绿珠蛋白尿verdoglobinuria;chloroglobinuria
- 心肌抑制因子myocardial depressant factor
- 烧伤脑病burn encephalopathy
- 柯林溃疡Curling ulcer
- 烧伤后肾上腺出血postburn adrenal hemorrhage
- 肠道细菌移位bacterial translocation from intestine
- 肠道细菌内毒素移位endotoxin translocation from intes- tine
- 肠源性感染enterogenic infection
- 侵入性感染invasive infection
- 烧伤创面脓毒症burn wound sepsis
- 坏死斑ecthyma gangrenosa
- 播散性真菌感染disseminated fungal infection
- 烧伤后病毒感染postburn virus infection
- 全身炎症反应综合征systemic inflammatory response syndrome
- 病细胞综合征sick cell syndrome
- 电解质紊乱electrolyte disturbance
- 酸碱平衡失调acid-base imbalance
- 非酮症高渗高糖性昏迷nonketogenic hyperosmolar hyper- glycemic coma
- 化脓性血栓性静脉炎suppurative thrombophlebitis
- 气管支气管缩窄stricture of trachea and bronchi
- 呼吸道出血hemorrhage from respiratory tract
- 肠系膜上动脉综合征superior mesenteric artery syndrome
- 多器官功能障碍综合征multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
- 烧伤后精神紊乱postburn psychological disturbance
- 瘢痕scar;cicatrix
- 瘢痕形成cicatrization;scar formation
- 瘢痕组织scar tissue
- 瘢痕挛缩cicatricial contracture
- 萎缩性瘢痕atrophic scar
- 增生性瘢痕hyperplastic scar
- 肥厚性瘢痕hypertrophic scar
- 瘢痕疙瘩keloid
- 瘢痕性脱发cicatricial alopecia
- 烧伤瘢痕恶性变malignant degeneration of burn scar