科学技术名词为您提供言语干扰级,speech interference level;SIL,言语干扰级的意思,speech interference level;SIL的意思,言语干扰级的英文,speech interference level;SIL的翻译,言语干扰级的翻译,言语干扰级是什么意思,言语干扰级什么意思,speech interference level;SIL是什么意思,speech interference level;SIL什么意思
言语干扰级 相关科技名词
- 鼻睫神经痛nasociliary neuralgia
- 眶上神经痛supraorbital neuralgia
- 筛前神经痛anterior ethmoidal neuralgia
- 上颌骨骨髓炎osteomyelitis of maxilla
- 鼻脑膜脑膨出nasal meningoencephalocele
- 口上颌窦瘘oromaxillary fistula
- 鼻瘘nasal fistula
- 筛窦泪管炎dacryosinusitis
- 鼻前庭囊肿nasal vestibular cyst
- 上颌窦囊肿maxillary cyst
- 上颌窦黏膜下囊肿submucous cyst of maxillary sinus
- 鼻息肉nasal polyp
- 后鼻孔息肉choanal polyp
- 鼻息肉病nasal polyposis
- 上颌窦息肉antral polyp
- 臭鼻症ozena
- 厌臭症osmodysphoria
- 鼻中隔血肿hematoma of nasal septum
- 鼻中隔脓肿nasal septal abscess
- 鼻硬结病rhinoscleroma
- 脑脊液鼻漏cerebrospinal rhinorrhea
- 鼻神经官能症rhinoneurosis
- 鼻真菌病rhinomycosis
- 鼻出血epistaxis;nasal hemorrhage
- 鼻性哮喘nasal asthma
- 鼻石症rhinolithiasis
- 铬溃疡chrome ulcer
- 鼻坏死rhinonecrosis
- 鼻坏疽cancrum nasi
- 鼻银沉着病argyria nasalis
- 喷嚏病apomyttosis
- 巨鼻macrorhinia
- 小鼻microrhinia
- 歪鼻wry nose
- 驼鼻hump nose
- 翘鼻pug nose
- 鹰鼻hooknose
- 鞍鼻saddle nose
- 扭曲鼻crooked nose
- 双鼻birhinia