乳牙早失 premature shedding of deciduous tooth 乳牙早失的意思 premature shedding of deciduous tooth的意思
英文对照premature shedding of deciduous tooth
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科学技术名词为您提供乳牙早失,premature shedding of deciduous tooth,乳牙早失的意思,premature shedding of deciduous tooth的意思,乳牙早失的英文,premature shedding of deciduous tooth的翻译,乳牙早失的翻译,乳牙早失是什么意思,乳牙早失什么意思,premature shedding of deciduous tooth是什么意思,premature shedding of deciduous tooth什么意思
乳牙早失 相关科技名词
- 味觉性出汗综合征gustatory sweating syndrome
- 牙源性囊肿odontogenic cyst
- 始基囊肿primordial cyst
- 牙源性角化囊肿odontogenic keratocyst
- 肋骨分叉-基底细胞痣-颌骨囊肿综合征bifid rib-basal cell nevus-jaw cyst syndrome
- 含牙囊肿dentigerous cyst
- 萌出期囊肿eruption cyst
- 牙龈囊肿gingival cyst
- 根尖周囊肿periapical cyst
- 残余囊肿residual cyst
- 炎性根旁囊肿inflammatory collateral cyst
- 根侧牙周囊肿lateral periodontal cyst
- 牙旁囊肿paradental cyst
- 面裂囊肿facial cleft cyst
- 球状上颌囊肿globulomaxillary cyst
- 鼻唇囊肿nasolabial cyst
- 鼻腭管囊肿nasopalatine duct cyst
- 腭乳头囊肿palatine papilla cyst
- 牙槽正中囊肿median alveolar cyst
- 下颌正中囊肿median mandibular cyst
- 腭正中囊肿median palatal cyst
- 鳃裂囊肿branchial cleft cyst
- 口腔淋巴上皮囊肿lymphoepithelial cyst of oral cavity
- 舌下腺囊肿sublingual gland cyst
- 黏液囊肿mucous cyst;mucocele
- 牙源性肿瘤odontogenic tumor
- 牙源性上皮性肿瘤epithelial odontogenic tumor
- 成釉细胞瘤ameloblastoma
- 滤泡型成釉细胞瘤follicular ameloblastoma
- 丛状型成釉细胞瘤plexiform ameloblastoma
- 颗粒细胞型成釉细胞瘤granular cell type ameloblastoma
- 棘皮瘤型成釉细胞瘤acanthomatous ameloblastoma
- 基底细胞型成釉细胞瘤basal cell type ameloblastoma
- 囊性成釉细胞瘤cystic ameloblastoma
- 骨外成釉细胞瘤extraosseous ameloblastoma
- 牙源性腺瘤样瘤adenomatoid odontogenic tumor
- 牙源性钙化囊肿calcifying odontogenic cyst
- 牙源性钙化上皮瘤calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor
- 牙源性鳞状细胞瘤squamous odontogenic tumor
- 牙源性透明细胞瘤clear cell odontogenic tumor