辨病论治 treatment based on disease differentiation 辨病论治的意思 treatment based on disease differentiation的意思
英文对照treatment based on disease differentiation
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科学技术名词为您提供辨病论治,treatment based on disease differentiation,辨病论治的意思,treatment based on disease differentiation的意思,辨病论治的英文,treatment based on disease differentiation的翻译,辨病论治的翻译,辨病论治是什么意思,辨病论治什么意思,treatment based on disease differentiation是什么意思,treatment based on disease differentiation什么意思
辨病论治 相关科技名词
- 真虚假实证syndrome of true deficiency disease with false excessive manifestation
- 真实假虚证syndrome of true excess disease with false deficient manifestation
- 上盛下虚证syndrome of upper excess and lower deficiency
- 虚实夹杂证syndrome of intermingled deficiency and excess
- 正虚邪恋证syndrome of lingering pathogen due to deficient vital qi
- 风证wind syndrome
- 外风证exogenous wind syndrome
- 风寒束表证syndrome of superficies tightened by wind-cold
- 风寒化热证syndrome of heat transformed from wind-cold
- 风热袭表证syndrome of superficies attacked by wind-heat
- 风湿挟毒证syndrome of wind-dampness with toxicity
- 风湿化热证syndrome of heat transformed from wind-dampness
- 风水相搏证syndrome of fighting of wind with water
- 寒凝证coagulated cold syndrome
- 寒湿证cold-dampness syndrome
- 暑[热]证summer-heat[-heat] syndrome
- 暑热动风证syndrome of stirring wind due to summer-heat
- 暑伤津气证syndrome of summer-heat injuring fluid and qi
- 暑湿[内蕴]证syndrome of summer-heat-dampness [accumulated in interior]
- 暑湿袭表证syndrome of superficies attacked by summer-heat-dampness
- 湿阻证dampness [retention] syndrome
- 湿热[蕴结]证syndrome of [accumulated] dampness-heat
- 湿重于热证dampness-heat syndrome with predominant dampness
- 热重于湿证dampness-heat syndrome with predominant heat
- 湿热壅滞证syndrome of stagnant and jamming dampness-heat
- 湿热浸淫证syndrome of excessive dampness-heat
- 湿热瘀阻证syndrome of stagnant dampness-heat
- 湿热下注证syndrome of dampness-heat diffusing downward
- 燥证dryness syndrome
- 外燥证exogenous dryness syndrome
- 内燥证syndrome of endogenous dryness
- 温燥证warm-dryness syndrome
- 凉燥证cold-dryness syndrome
- 火证fire syndrome
- 热扰胸膈证syndrome of chest and diaphragm disturbed by heat
- 余热未清证syndrome of lingering heat
- 虚火上炎证syndrome of flaring up of deficient fire
- 风毒证wind-toxicity syndrome
- 风火热毒证syndrome of wind-fire and heat-toxicity
- 火毒证fire-toxicity syndrome