英文对照heat syncope
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科学技术名词为您提供热厥,heat syncope,热厥的意思,heat syncope的意思,热厥的英文,heat syncope的翻译,热厥的翻译,热厥是什么意思,热厥什么意思,heat syncope是什么意思,heat syncope什么意思
热厥 相关科技名词
- 秋燥·肺燥肠热络伤证autumn dryness with syndrome of collaterals injury due to lung dryness and intestine heat
- 秋燥·肺燥肠闭证autumn dryness with syndrome of lung dryness and intestine blockade
- 秋燥·肺胃阴伤证autumn dryness with syndrome of injury of lung and stomach yin
- 冬温winter warmth
- 温毒[病]warm-toxin disease
- 温毒发癍warm-toxin disease with ecchymoses
- 伤寒发癍exogenous cold disease with ecchymoses
- 大头瘟swollen-head epidemic
- 大头瘟·邪犯肺卫证swollen-head epidemic with syndrome of pathogen invading lung-defense phase
- 大头瘟·毒盛肺胃证swollen-head epidemic with syndrome of toxin exuberant in lung and stomach
- 大头瘟·胃阴虚证swollen-head epidemic with syndrome of stomach yin deficiency
- 烂喉丹痧scarlet fever;scarlatina
- 烂喉丹痧·毒侵肺卫证scarlet fever with syndrome of toxin invading lung-defense phase
- 烂喉丹痧·毒壅气分证scarlet fever with syndrome of toxin congesting qi phase
- 烂喉丹痧·毒燔气营证scarlet fever with syndrome of toxin pervading both qi and nutrient phases
- 烂喉丹痧·余邪伤阴证scarlet fever with syndrome of yin injury by lingering pathogen
- 瘟疫pestilence
- 湿疫damp pestilence
- 寒疫cold pestilence
- 时疫seasonal pestilence
- 时行寒疫seasonal cold pestilence
- 疫厥pestilence with syncope
- 疫痉pestilence with convulsion
- 疫疹pestilence with petechiae
- 疫疹·风热伤络证pestilence with petechiae with syndrome of wind-heat injuring collaterals
- 疫疹·卫气同病证pestilence with petechiae with syndrome of involving both defense and qi phases
- 疫疹·邪阻膜原证pestilence with petechiae with syndrome of pathogen blocking pleuro-diaphragmatic interspace
- 疫疹·热迫营血证pestilence with petechiae with syndrome of toxin entering nutrient and blood phases
- 疫疹·气营两燔证pestilence with petechiae with syndrome of blazing heat in both qi and nutrient phases
- 疫疹·血热妄行证pestilence with petechiae with syndrome of bleeding due to blood heat
- 疫疹·邪犯肝心证pestilence with petechiae with syndrome of pathogen invading liver and heart
- 疫疹·正气暴脱证pestilence with petechiae with syndrome of sudden collapse of vital qi
- 疫疹·余邪未净证pestilence with petechiae with syndrome of lingering remnant pathogen
- 疙瘩瘟nodular pestilence
- 瓜瓠瘟gourd-like pestilence
- 龙须瘟dragon beard pestilence
- 鸬鹚瘟cormorant-like pestilence
- 捻颈瘟neck-twisted-like pestilence
- 葡萄疫grape-like pestilence
- 蚯蚓瘴earthworm-like miasma