科学技术哲学 philosophy of science and technology 科学技术哲学的意思 philosophy of science and technology的意思
英文对照philosophy of science and technology
见载刊物《自然辩证法名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供科学技术哲学,philosophy of science and technology,科学技术哲学的意思,philosophy of science and technology的意思,科学技术哲学的英文,philosophy of science and technology的翻译,科学技术哲学的翻译,科学技术哲学是什么意思,科学技术哲学什么意思,philosophy of science and technology是什么意思,philosophy of science and technology什么意思
科学技术哲学 相关科技名词
- 对立统一unity of opposites
- 矛盾的客观性objectivity of contradiction
- 矛盾的普遍性和特殊性universality and particularity of contradiction
- 矛盾的统一性和斗争性identity and struggle of contradiction
- 矛盾的绝对性和相对性absolute and relative of contradiction
- 发展development
- 循环circulation;cycle
- 微循环micro-cycle
- 过程process
- 过程论theory of process
- 过程哲学process philosophy
- 规律论view of laws
- 规律law
- 规律的客观性objectivity of law
- 客观规律objective law
- 主观能动性subjective activity
- 唯物辩证法的规律law of materialist dialectics
- 对立统一规律law of unity of opposites
- 质量互变规律law of mutual change of quality and quantity
- 否定之否定规律law of the negation of negation
- 肯定和否定affirmation and negation
- 扬弃sublation
- 自然辩证法规律law of dialectics of nature
- 系统层次律ordered structural principle
- 转化守恒律principle of conservation of transformations
- 循环发展律principle of cyclical development
- 自然界运动转化的守恒性conservation of transformations of motion in nature
- 自然界运动过程的内在否定性inherent negativeness of motion process in nature
- 自然界变化发展的周期性periodicity of change and development in nature
- 和谐原理harmony principle
- 守恒原理conservation principle
- 方向原理orientation principle
- 最优原理optimum principle
- 社会历史运动规律law of social development
- 生产关系适应生产力发展状况的规律law of conformity of production relations to the state of productive forces
- 上层建筑适应经济基础发展状况的规律law of conformity of superstructure to the state of economic basis
- 思维规律law of thinking
- 普通思维规律law of general thinking
- 同一律law of identity
- 矛盾律law of contradiction