全息术 相关科技名词
- 磁致旋光magnetic opticity;magnetic rota- tion
- 法拉第旋转Faraday rotation
- 克尔效应Kerr effect
- 克尔盒Kerr cell
- 信息光学information optics
- 傅里叶光学Fourier optics
- 全息术holography
- 全息照相holograph
- 全息图hologram
- 体全息图volume hologram
- 阿贝成像原理Abbe principle of image formation
- 空间频率spatial frequency
- 相干成像coherent imaging
- 非相干成像incoherent imaging
- 相[位]衬phase contrast
- 光频optical frequency
- 约化波长reduced wavelength
- 等相面cophasal surface;surface of constant phase
- 光学平行性optical parallelism
- 基波fundamental wave
- 复[合]波complex wave
- 连续波continuous wave;CW
- 对传波counterpropagating waves
- 同传波copropagating waves
- 柱面波cylindrical wave
- 衰减波decaying wave
- 均匀波homogeneous wave
- 非均匀波inhomogeneous wave
- 畸变波distorted wave
- 入射波incident wave
- 反向波backward wave;back wave
- 出射波outgoing wave
- 表面波surface wave
- 持续波sustained wave
- 同相[位]in-phase
- 反相[位]antiphase
- 异相[位]out-of-phase
- 90度相移quadrature [shift]
- 无规相位random phase
- 相位超前phase advance