远足旅游 相关科技名词
- 旅游地理学geography of tourism
- 旅游资源tourist resources
- 探险旅游adventure tourism
- 农业旅游agritourism
- 异向型游客allocentric tourist
- 中间型游客med-centric tourist
- 自向型游客psychocentric tourist
- 替代性旅游alternative tourism
- 旅游者期望anticipation
- 仿古旅游antique tourism
- 反旅游anti-tourism
- 适度旅游appropriate tourism
- 旅游吸引物attraction
- 旅游吸引力attractivity
- BB式旅馆bed and breakfast
- 经济旅馆budget hotel
- 公务旅行business travel
- 露营camping
- 汽车宿营地caravan park
- 旅游承载力recreational carrying capacity
- 因果模型causal model
- 环线旅游circuit tourism
- 社区游憩community recreation
- 旅游业集中度concentration ratio
- 会议旅游convention travel
- 乡村旅馆country house hotel
- 修学旅游creative tourism
- 文化旅游cultural tourism
- 文化冲击culture shock
- 示范效应demonstration effect
- 目的地选择destination choice
- 目的地管理destination management
- 游客细分tourist differentiation
- 国内旅游domestic tourism
- 经济漏损economic leakage
- 封闭式旅游enclave tourism
- 民俗旅游ethnic tourism
- 事件旅游event tourism
- 事件旅游管理event management
- 短途旅游者excursionist