特征[标] 相关科技名词
- 大筛法large sieve
- 乘性数论multiplicative number theory
- 素数分布distribution of primes
- 素数定理prime number theorem
- 算术函数arithmetic function
- 狄利克雷乘法Dirichlet multiplication
- 乘性函数multiplicative function
- 完全乘性函数completely multiplicative function
- 除数函数divisor function
- 曼戈尔特函数Mangoldt function
- 默比乌斯函数Mo&4&bius function
- 默比乌斯反演公式Mo&4&bius inversion formula
- 除数问题divisor problem
- 加性数论additive number theory
- 华林问题Waring problem
- 哥德巴赫问题Goldbach problem
- 分拆函数partition function
- 哈代-李特尔伍德方法Hardy-Littlewood method
- 戴德金ζ函数Dedekind ζ-function
- 阿廷L函数Artin L-function
- 阿廷根数Artin root number
- p进L函数p-adic L-function
- 狄利克雷密度Dirichlet density;analytic density
- 自然密度natural density
- 代数数论algebraic number theory
- 代数数域algebraic number field
- 代数数algebraic number
- 代数整数algebraic integer
- 共轭代数数conjugate algebraic numbers
- 代数整数环ring of algebraic integers
- 整基integral basis
- 判别式discriminant
- 数域的判别式discriminant of number field
- 整理想integral ideal
- 分式理想fractional ideal
- 主理想principal ideal
- 理想的范norm of an ideal
- 差积different
- 理想的素分解prime decomposition of ideals
- 完全分裂completely splitting