科学技术名词为您提供普适变形,universal deformation,普适变形的意思,universal deformation的意思,普适变形的英文,universal deformation的翻译,普适变形的翻译,普适变形是什么意思,普适变形什么意思,universal deformation是什么意思,universal deformation什么意思
普适变形 相关科技名词
- 广义连续统力学generalized continuum mechanics
- 简单物质simple material
- 纯力学物质purely mechanical material
- 微分型物质material of differential type
- 积分型物质material of integral type
- 混合物组份constituents of a mixture
- 非协调理论incompatibility theory
- 微极理论micropolar theory
- 决定性原理principle of determinism
- 等存在原理principle of equipresence
- 局部作用原理principle of local action
- 客观性原理principle of objectivity
- 电磁连续统理论theory of electromagnetic continuum
- 内时理论endochronic theory
- 非局部理论nonlocal theory
- 混合物理论theory of mixtures
- 里夫林-埃里克森张量Rivlin-Ericksen tensor
- 声张量acoustic tensor
- 半向同性张量hemitropic tensor
- 各向同性张量isotropic tensor
- 应变张量strain tensor
- 伸缩张量stretch tensor
- 连续旋错continuous dislination
- 连续位错continuous dislocation
- 动量矩平衡angular momentum balance
- 余本构关系complementary constitutive relations
- 共旋导数co-rotational derivative;Jaumann derivative
- 非完整分量anholonomic component
- 爬升效应climbing effect
- 协调条件compatibility condition
- 错综度complexity
- 当时构形current configuration
- 能量平衡energy balance
- 变形梯度deformation gradient
- 有限弹性finite elasticity
- 熵增entropy production
- 标架无差异性frame indifference
- 弹性势elastic potential
- 熵不等式entropy inequality
- 极分解polar decomposition