热力学 相关科技名词
- 汽化vaporization
- 凝聚condensation
- 升华sublimation
- 化学平衡chemical equilibrium
- 化学反应等温式chemical reaction isotherm
- 化学势chemical potential
- 化学反应亲和势affinity of chemical reaction
- 平衡常数equilibrium constant
- 标准平衡常数standard equilibrium constant
- 范托夫定律van't Hoff's law
- 勒夏特列原理Le Chatelier's principle
- 溶液solution
- 理想溶液ideal solution
- 共形溶液conformal solution
- 完美溶液perfect solution
- 非理想溶液nonideal solution
- 电解质溶液electrolyte solution
- 非电解质溶液nonelectrolyte solution
- 正规溶液regular solution
- 共轭溶液conjugate solutions
- 共轭相conjugate phases
- 结线tie line
- 无热溶液athermal solution
- 拉乌尔定律Raoult's law
- 亨利定律Henry's law
- 吉布斯-杜安方程Gibbs-Duhem equation
- 杜安-马居尔方程Duhem-Margules equation
- 分配定律distribution law
- 分配系数distribution coefficient
- 溶液的依数性colligative properties of solution
- 沸点升高boiling point elevation
- 凝固点降低freezing point depression
- 渗透[作用]osmosis
- 蒸气压下降vapor pressure lowering
- 等面仪isoteniscope
- 溶度积solubility product
- 渗透压osmotic pressure
- 渗透系数osmotic coefficient
- 逸度fugacity
- 逸度系数fugacity coefficient