科学技术名词为您提供超额化学势,excess chemical potential,超额化学势的意思,excess chemical potential的意思,超额化学势的英文,excess chemical potential的翻译,超额化学势的翻译,超额化学势是什么意思,超额化学势什么意思,excess chemical potential是什么意思,excess chemical potential什么意思
超额化学势 相关科技名词
- 热力学thermodynamics
- 经典热力学classical thermodynamics
- 化学热力学chemical thermodynamics
- 统计热力学statistical thermodynamics
- 分子热力学molecular thermodynamics
- 非平衡态热力学nonequilibrium thermodynamics
- 热力学第零定律zeroth law of thermodynamics
- 热力学第一定律first law of thermodynamics
- 热力学第二定律second law of thermodynamics
- 热力学第三定律third law of thermodynamics
- 热力学函数thermodynamic function
- 热力学参数thermodynamic parameter
- 热力学变量thermodynamic variable
- 热力学平衡thermodynamic equilibrium
- 热力学概率thermodynamic probability
- 热力学温度thermodynamic temperature
- 热力学性质thermodynamic property
- 广度性质extensive property
- 强度性质intensive property
- 系统system
- 平衡系统equilibrium system
- 非平衡系统nonequilibrium system
- 均相系统homogeneous system
- 非均相系统heterogeneous system
- 敞开系统open system
- 封闭系统closed system
- 隔离系统isolated system
- 绝热系统adiabatic system
- 独立粒子系集assembly of independent particles
- 非独立粒子系集assembly of interacting particles
- 定域粒子系集assembly of localized particles
- 非定域粒子系集assembly of nonlocalized particles
- 凝聚系统condensed system
- 单组分系统one-component system
- 二组分系统two-component system
- 三组分系统three-component system
- 环境surroundings
- 过程process
- 等温过程isothermal process
- 等压过程isobaric process