科学技术名词为您提供团星系,cluster galaxy,团星系的意思,cluster galaxy的意思,团星系的英文,cluster galaxy的翻译,团星系的翻译,团星系是什么意思,团星系什么意思,cluster galaxy是什么意思,cluster galaxy什么意思
团星系 相关科技名词
- 完全宇宙学原理perfect cosmological principle
- 奥伯斯佯谬Olbers paradox
- 西利格佯谬Seeliger paradox
- 牛顿宇宙论Newtonian cosmology
- 大爆炸宇宙论big bang cosmology
- 相对论宇宙论relativistic cosmology
- 等级式宇宙论hierarchic cosmology
- 各向异性宇宙论anisotropic cosmology
- 稳恒态宇宙论steady-state cosmology
- 物质-反物质宇宙论matter-anti-matter cosmology
- 量子宇宙论quantum cosmology
- 标准宇宙模型standard cosmological model
- 弗里德曼宇宙模型Friedmann cosmological model
- 勒梅特宇宙模型Lemaitre cosmological model
- 爱因斯坦-德西特宇宙模型Einstein-de Sitter cosmological model
- 暴胀宇宙模型inflationary cosmological model
- 薄饼模型pancake model
- 膨胀宇宙expanding universe
- 收缩宇宙contracting universe
- 振荡宇宙oscillating universe
- 开宇宙open universe
- 闭宇宙closed universe
- 罗伯逊-沃克度规Robertson-Walker metric
- 早期宇宙early universe
- 极早期宇宙very early universe
- 宇宙奇点singularity of the universe
- 宇宙弦cosmic string
- 普朗克时间Planck time
- 普朗克长度Planck length
- 强子期hadron era
- 轻子期lepton era
- 退耦期decoupling epoch
- 物质占优期matter dominated era
- 辐射占优期radiation dominated era
- 大数假说large number hypothesis
- 梅西叶星云星团表Messier Catalogue
- 星云星团新总表New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clustersof Stars;NGC
- 星云星团新总表续编Index Catalogue;IC
- 亮星系表Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies
- 星系和星系团表Catalogue of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies;CGCG