英文对照rule of causation in geography
见载刊物《地理学名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供地理因果律,rule of causation in geography,地理因果律的意思,rule of causation in geography的意思,地理因果律的英文,rule of causation in geography的翻译,地理因果律的翻译,地理因果律是什么意思,地理因果律什么意思,rule of causation in geography是什么意思,rule of causation in geography什么意思
地理因果律 相关科技名词
- 地理连续过渡说continuity theory of geography
- 地理趋稳性trend to stability in geography
- 地理节律性geographical rhythm
- 空间地理方程spatial equation in geography
- 地理时空耦合temporal and spatial coupling in geography
- 地理边缘效应boundary effect in geography
- 地理迟滞效应retarding effect in geography
- 地理中心效应central effect in geography
- 地理空间对策spatial strategy in geography
- 地系统geosystem
- 地理功能geographical function
- 地理反馈geographical feedback
- 地理系统分类classification of geosystem
- 地理动态系统dynamic geosystem
- 地理系统识别identification of geosystem
- 生命支持系统life-support system
- 区域承载力carrying capacity of region
- 地理系统边界boundary of geosystem
- 地理阈值geographical threshold
- 地理系统稳定性stability of geosystem
- 地理系统敏感性sensitivity of geosystem
- 地理突变论catastrophe theory in geography
- 地理协同论synergetics in geography
- 地理模型检验test of geographical model
- 地理参数geographical parameter
- 地理状态变量state variable of geosystem
- 地理系统的连锁反应chain reaction of geosystem
- 地理系统的冗余水平redundant level of geosystem
- 地理学geography
- 统一地理学unified geography
- 普通地理学general geography
- 系统地理学systematic geography
- 理论地理学theoretical geography
- 应用地理学applied geography
- 元地理学metageography
- 地志学chorography
- 地理学体系system of geographical sciences
- 地理环境geographical environment
- 地理因子geographical factors
- 地理要素geographical elements;geographic feature