科学技术名词为您提供水热活动,hydrothermal activity,水热活动的意思,hydrothermal activity的意思,水热活动的英文,hydrothermal activity的翻译,水热活动的翻译,水热活动是什么意思,水热活动什么意思,hydrothermal activity是什么意思,hydrothermal activity什么意思
水热活动 相关科技名词
- 坎儿井karez
- 井well
- 自流井artesian well
- 完整井fully penetrating well;complete penetrating well
- 非完整井partially penetrating well
- 渗水井absorbing well
- 回灌井recharge well
- 集水井collector well
- 抽水井pumping well
- 地下河underground river
- 含水层aquifer
- 潜水含水层phreatic aquifer
- 承压含水层confined aquifer
- 非承压含水层unconfined aquifer
- 喀斯特含水层karst aquifer
- 透水层permeable layer
- 多孔介质porous medium
- 弱透水层aquitard
- 不透水层aquifuge;impermeable layer
- 含水层边界boundary of aquifer
- 含水层系water-bearing rock system
- 含水岩组water-bearing formation
- 地下水系统groundwater system
- 地下水网络groundwater network
- 地下水盆地groundwater basin
- 自流水盆地artesian basin
- 承压水盆地confined water basin
- 地下水补给区recharge area of groundwater
- 地下水排泄区discharge area of groundwater
- 地下水径流groundwater runoff
- 稳定流steady flow
- 非稳定流unsteady flow
- 层流laminar flow
- 层间越流leakage
- 均匀流uniform flow
- 非均匀流nonuniform flow
- 紊流turbulent flow
- 混合流combined flow
- 潜流underground flow
- 饱和水流saturated flow