仿射[代数]簇 affine [algebraic] variety 仿射[代数]簇的意思 affine [algebraic] variety的意思 仿射[代数]簇的英文
科学技术名词为您提供仿射[代数]簇,affine [algebraic] variety,仿射[代数]簇的意思,affine [algebraic] variety的意思,仿射[代数]簇的英文,affine [algebraic] variety的翻译,仿射[代数]簇的翻译,仿射[代数]簇是什么意思,仿射[代数]簇什么意思,affine [algebraic] variety是什么意思,affine [algebraic] variety什么意思
仿射[代数]簇 相关科技名词
- 结构层structure sheaf
- 概形scheme
- 概形态射morphism of schemes
- 概形同构isomorphism of schemes
- S概形S-scheme
- 结构态射structure morphism
- S态射S-morphism
- 不可约概形irreducible scheme
- 整概形integral scheme
- 约化概形reduced scheme
- 几何整的geometrically integral
- 几何约化的geometrically reduced
- 分离概形separated scheme
- 局部诺特概形locally Noetherian scheme
- 诺特概形Noetherian scheme
- 有限型概形scheme of finite type
- 正规概形normal scheme
- 正则概形regular scheme
- 几何正则的geometrically regular
- 光滑概形smooth scheme
- 科恩-麦考莱概形Cohen-Macaulay scheme
- 群概形group scheme
- 概形的黏合gluing of schemes
- 有限型态射morphism of finite type
- 有限态射finite morphism
- 开子概形open subscheme
- 开浸入open immersion
- 闭子概形closed subscheme
- 闭浸入closed immersion
- 真态射proper morphism
- 概形上的射影空间projective space over a scheme
- 射影态射projective morphism
- 射影概形projective scheme
- 对角态射diagonal morphism
- 分离态射separated morphism
- 平坦态射flat morphism
- 光滑态射smooth morphism
- 纤维积fiber product
- 态射的纤维fibers of a morphism
- 抽象簇abstract variety