模的上同调维数 cohomological dimension of modules 模的上同调维数的意思 cohomological dimension of modules的意思
科学技术名词为您提供模的上同调维数,cohomological dimension of modules,模的上同调维数的意思,cohomological dimension of modules的意思,模的上同调维数的英文,cohomological dimension of modules的翻译,模的上同调维数的翻译,模的上同调维数是什么意思,模的上同调维数什么意思,cohomological dimension of modules是什么意思,cohomological dimension of modules什么意思
模的上同调维数 相关科技名词
- 同调代数homological algebra
- 复形complex
- 链复形chain complex
- 边缘运算boundary operation
- 链chain
- 闭链cycle
- 边缘boundary
- 同调模homology module
- 同调群homology group
- 上链复形cochain complex
- 上链cochain
- 上闭链cocycle
- 上边缘coboundary
- 上同调类cohomology class
- 上同调cohomology
- 上同调模cohomology module
- 上同调群cohomology group
- 链映射chain mapping;morphism of complexes
- 正合[序]列exact sequence
- 短正合[序]列short exact sequence
- 可裂短正合[序]列splitting short exact sequence
- 长正合同调[序]列long exact homology sequence
- 长正合上同调[序]列long exact cohomology sequence
- 连接同态connecting homomorphism;con- necting morphism
- 交换图表commutative diagram
- 图上追踪法diagram-chases
- 链映射同伦homotopy of chain mappings
- 增广复形augmented complex
- 模上复形complex over a module
- 模的分解resolution of a module
- 投射分解projective resolution
- 自由分解free resolution
- 内射分解injective resolution
- 导出函子derived functor
- 左导出函子left derived functor
- 右导出函子right derived functor
- 左正合函子left exact functor
- 右正合函子right exact functor
- 函子Extfunctor Ext
- 函子Torfunctor Tor