科学技术名词为您提供边缘运算,boundary operation,边缘运算的意思,boundary operation的意思,边缘运算的英文,boundary operation的翻译,边缘运算的翻译,边缘运算是什么意思,边缘运算什么意思,boundary operation是什么意思,boundary operation什么意思
边缘运算 相关科技名词
- 二重复形double complex
- 链复形的张量积tensor product of chain complexes
- 屈内特公式Ku&4&nneth formula
- 谱序列spectral sequence
- 正合偶exact couple
- 群的上同调cohomology of groups
- 群的上同调群cohomology groups of a group
- 增广映射augmentation mapping
- 增广理想augmentation ideal
- 叉同态crossed homomorphism
- 主叉同态principal crossed homomorphism
- 群扩张extension of a group
- 群分裂扩张split extension of groups
- 群循环扩张cyclic extension of groups
- 群中心扩张central extension of groups
- 群扩张等价类equivalence classes of extensions of a group
- 诱导模induced module
- 上诱导模coinduced module
- 相对投射模relative projective module
- 相对内射模relative injective module
- 标准分解standard resolution
- 齐次的横分解homogeneous bar resolution
- 非齐次的横分解inhomogeneous bar resolution
- 限制映射restriction mapping
- 提升映射inflation mapping
- 转移[映射]transfer;corestriction mapping
- 群的上同调维数cohomology dimension of groups
- 有限群的上同调cohomology of finite groups
- 对偶链复形dual chain complex
- 有限群的完全分解complete resolution for finite groups
- 上同调平凡模cohomologically trivial module
- 周期上同调periodic cohomology
- 霍赫希尔德上同调群Hochschild cohomology group
- 李代数的上同调cohomology of Lie algebras
- 李代数的扩张extension of a Lie algebra
- 半单李代数的上同调cohomology of semi-simple Lie algebras
- 欧拉-庞加莱映射Euler-Poincare&1& mapping
- 投射维数projective dimension
- 模的上同调维数cohomological dimension of modules
- 模的内射维数injective dimension of modules