英文对照three pole disconnector
见载刊物《电力名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供三极隔离开关,three pole disconnector,三极隔离开关的意思,three pole disconnector的意思,三极隔离开关的英文,three pole disconnector的翻译,三极隔离开关的翻译,三极隔离开关是什么意思,三极隔离开关什么意思,three pole disconnector是什么意思,three pole disconnector什么意思
三极隔离开关 相关科技名词
- 主分接principal tapping
- 变比transformation ratio
- 变压器额定电压比rated voltage ratio
- 阻抗电压impedance voltage [at rated current]
- [变压器]额定容量rated capacity
- 空载损耗no-load loss
- 空载电流no-load current
- 负载损耗load loss [for the princepal tapping]
- 附加损耗supplementary load loss
- 总损耗total losses
- 温升temperature rise
- 星形联结star connection
- 三角形联结delta connection
- 开口三角形联结open delta connection
- 斯柯特联结Scott connection
- 变压器相位移phase difference for a transformer
- 变压器联结组别connection of transformer winding
- 变压器调压装置voltage regulator of transformer
- 有载分接开关on-load tap-changer
- 无励磁分接开关off-circuit tap-changer
- 分接选择器tap selector
- 切换开关diverter switch
- 选择开关selector switch
- 转换选择器change-over selector
- 套管bushing
- 瓷套管porcelain bushing
- 油浸纸套管oil impregnated paper bushing
- 电容型套管condenser bushing
- 油气套管oil-SF6 immersed bushing
- 电抗器reactor
- 串联电抗器series reactor
- 并联电抗器shunt reactor
- 消弧电抗器arc suppression reactor
- 三相中性点电抗器three phase neutral reactor
- 滤波电抗器filter reactor
- 油浸式电抗器oil immersed reactor
- 干式电抗器dry type reactor
- 密封式电抗器sealed reactor
- 自饱和并联电抗器saturated shunt reactor
- 可控饱和并联电抗器controllable saturated shunt reactor