英文对照continuous emission monitoring system of flue gas;CEMS
所属学科电力 > 热工自动化、电厂化学与金属
见载刊物《电力名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供烟气连续监测系统,continuous emission monitoring system of flue gas;CEMS,烟气连续监测系统的意思,continuous emission monitoring system of flue gas;CEMS的意思,烟气连续监测系统的英文,continuous emission monitoring system of flue gas;CEMS的翻译,烟气连续监测系统的翻译,烟气连续监测系统是什么意思,烟气连续监测系统什么意思,continuous emission monitoring system of flue gas;CEMS是什么意思,continuous emission monitoring system of flue gas;CEMS什么意思
烟气连续监测系统 相关科技名词
- 火力发电厂热工自动化thermal process automation of thermal power plant
- 自动化水平automation level
- 控制方式control mode
- 单元控制室unit control room
- 电缆夹层cable vault
- 电子设备间electronics room
- 热工配电箱power supply cabinet for electric-drive valve
- 保温箱warm-box
- 控制盘台control panel and console
- 单元集中控制unit centralized control
- 就地控制local control
- 车间无人值班控制non-operator control for department
- 热工检测thermal parameter measurement
- 热工检测仪表thermal parameter measuring instrument
- 一次仪表primary instrument
- 二次仪表secondary instrument
- 炉膛火焰检测furnace flame scanning
- 火焰检测器flame detector
- 工业电视industrial television
- 炉管泄漏监测系统monitoring system of boiler tube leakage
- 烟气连续监测系统continuous emission monitoring system of flue gas;CEMS
- 煤量检测coal weight measurement
- 水、汽品质监测仪表water and steam quality monitoring instrument
- 模拟量控制系统modulating control system;MCS
- 自动调度系统automatic dispatch system;ADS
- 单元机组协调控制系统unit coordinated control system;CCS
- 锅炉跟踪方式boiler follow mode;BF
- 汽轮机跟踪方式turbine follow mode;TF
- 协调控制方式coordinated control mode
- 锅炉模拟量控制系统boiler modulating control system
- 直流锅炉模拟量控制系统modulating control system of once-through boiler
- 给水控制系统feedwater control system
- 过热汽温度控制系统superheat steam temperature control system
- 再热汽温度控制系统reheat steam temperature control system
- 燃烧控制系统combustion control system
- 燃料量控制系统fuel control system
- 送风量控制系统air flow control system
- 炉膛压力控制系统furnace pressure control system
- 磨煤机出口温度控制系统pulverizer outlet temperature control system
- 一次风压力控制系统primary air pressure control system